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Preston High School’s Varsity Volleyball team is one of extraordinary talents and immense compassion! Our volleyball team consists of juniors and seniors with the exception of sophomore Rebecca Menna. Our team’s reputation has always been stellar; teams across the league are often anxious when it is time to play against Preston High School. Although our team did not feel they met their expectations for the season, they attained new qualities, such as taking on leadership positions and gaining a better understanding of sportsmanship. As manager of the Varsity volleyball team, I have come to realize that the girls who participate in this sport do not only become teammates but become a family. During times of stress or defeat, I noticed that the team became stronger. The weaknesses of other players became the viewpoint of someone else’s strength. Player Rebecca Menna, the baby of the team, was asked “Do you think your expectations of the season were met and why?” Menna replied, “Yes, I got to improve on my weaknesses, made new friends, and especially played the sport I love!” Rebecca Menna is an important asset to our team. She has grown to become part of our varsity family. I became manager of the team during the 2017 season, and I noticed that the teams sportsmanship and support towards each other, as well as opponents, was one of their best qualities. Jamie Skrapits, the Athletic Director, says, “Sportsmanship is a key characteristic among all of the sports teams at Preston High School… There are times when everything is put to the test, but here at Preston, we teach that together as a family we can achieve anything.”

The Varsity Volleyball team is made up of twelve girls, and as the season came to a close we had to say goodbye to five of those players. One of these seniors, Julia Menocal, is said to be the “best player on the east coast,” being recruited by Manhattan College as a junior and officially signing with them as a senior. Preston coaches watched her grow from a timid freshman to a strong and beautiful senior. Her amazing talents and passion for volleyball will be a big act to follow for next years varsity captains.

Not only is skill part of our volleyball team, but compassion is as well. Athletic teams at Preston High School are known to “adopt” a family in need around Christmas time. All of the players are assigned a family in need and embraces the spirit of giving by donating items from clothing to toys to food to these families around the Bronx. Not only is Christmas time the best time of year, but it’s a time for more privileged people to help those in need. Preston High School’s varsity volleyball team is one of compassion and skill.

by Daniella DeAngelis
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